Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leafs a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tuff vs. Tough

***Dallas lit a cigarette and handed it to Johnny. Everyone sat down to have a smoke and relax. A smoke always lessens the tension I had quit trembling and my color was back. The cigarette was calming me down. Two-Bit cocked an eyebrow. "Nice-lookin' bruise you got there, kid."
I touched my cheek gingerly. "Really?"
Two-Bit nodded sagely. "Nice cut, too. Makes you look tough."
Tough and tuff are two different words. Tough is the same as rough; tuff means cool, sharp—like a tuff-looking Mustang or a tuff record. In our neighborhood both are compliments.***

What would you rather be Tuff or Tough? Personally I would rather be Tuff. Tuffness is wearing cool shades and slicking your hair back. I mean hasn't everyone wished they were cooler? I have! Pretty much every day in fact! When I get up in the morning and look in the mirror I think "Golly, I wish I looked tuff!" When I get to school I look around and see the "cool" kids and wish I were one of them… being Ponyboy however, I would be glad I looked tough. In his decade and… well… situation that would be completely awesome on every level! Would you rather be tuff or tough? That is the question!

~Elise (Stay gold!)
P.S.  Please leave a comment to tell whether you would rather be Tuff or Tough! Tell me why! 
***Direct quote form The Outsiders***

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