***Dallas lit a cigarette and handed it to Johnny. Everyone sat down to have a smoke and relax. A smoke always lessens the tension I had quit trembling and my color was back. The cigarette was calming me down. Two-Bit cocked an eyebrow. "Nice-lookin' bruise you got there, kid."
I touched my cheek gingerly. "Really?"
Two-Bit nodded sagely. "Nice cut, too. Makes you look tough."
Tough and tuff are two different words. Tough is the same as rough; tuff means cool, sharp—like a tuff-looking Mustang or a tuff record. In our neighborhood both are compliments.***
What would you rather be Tuff or Tough? Personally I would rather be Tuff. Tuffness is wearing cool shades and slicking your hair back. I mean hasn't everyone wished they were cooler? I have! Pretty much every day in fact! When I get up in the morning and look in the mirror I think "Golly, I wish I looked tuff!" When I get to school I look around and see the "cool" kids and wish I were one of them… being Ponyboy however, I would be glad I looked tough. In his decade and… well… situation that would be completely awesome on every level! Would you rather be tuff or tough? That is the question!
~Elise (Stay gold!)
P.S. Please leave a comment to tell whether you would rather be Tuff or Tough! Tell me why!
***Direct quote form The Outsiders***
Tuff! 'Cause I'd be a greaser!